Pe. Mundinho é empossado Superior Geral dos Sacramentinos em Manhumirim Minas Gerais -
Manhumirim – A Congregação dos Missionários Sacramentinos de Nossa Senhora, celebrou a posse de seu novo Superior Geral. Trata-se do Padre José Raimundo da Costa “Pe. Mundinho”, que foi saudado pelos sacerdotes presentes na cerimônia realizada na quinta-feira, 11/01, no Santuário do Bom Jesus, em Manhumirim. Católicos de Manhumirim e diversas comunidades circunvizinhas, além de Bom Despacho lotaram o Santuário
Veja o vídeo...
Santa Missa & reportagem...
Vatican Flag
Basílica of St Peter
The Basílica of St. Peter ( in Latin: Basílica Sancti Petri, in Italian Basílica di San Pietro) is a Basílica in the Vatican State. It is the largest and most important religious building in Catholicism and one of the most visited Christian sites in the word.
The Pope is the direct successor of the apostle Peter and more than a person , represents a burden, a misnomer left by the Lord himself
Directly from Rome "Vatican" postulator Romano Dr Paolo Vilitta in the cause of beatification process "Matter of the reporter Solange Malosto
Pietá - Michelangelo 1499
Pietá represents the isolated figure of the Virgin Mary, who holds in her arms the body of Christ, just after the withdrawal of the cross. It has an incredible draping of robes, with a translucent effect, caused by the effect of the shadow under the figure.
A Pietà (Italian for Piedade) is a theme of Christian art in which the Virgin Mary is represented with the dead body of Jesus in arms, after the crucifixion. It is thus associated with the invocations of Our Lady of Mercy and Our Lady of Sorrws;
Direct from Rome " Vatican " to Brasil
Directly from Rome "Vatican" postulator Romano Dr Paolo Vilitta in the cause of beatification process "Matter of the reporter Solange Malosto
Flag of Belgium
Father Júlio Maria De Lombaerd " Servant of God"
Documentary Beafitication of Father Júlio Maria De Lombaerde " Servant of God " Dr Paolo Vilotta in an interview directy from Rome.
/ Vaticano (santa sede). "Rome for Brazil" 2017 / Report bySolange Malosto / Dr Paollo Villota directly fromRoma...
Last week of December 2013 ... !!! The Vatican authorizes the opening of the beatification process of the Belgian missionary "Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde, Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady and Cordimarianas of Amapá Macapá, both founded by the missionary, bishop of the diocese of Caratinga and lay people are mobilized.
The choice of the group of councilors is historical and a first step towards the decentralization of the power of the Pope and the practice of collegiality, the participation of bishops in the decisions of the Church.
Born Francisco Jorge Bergoglio
Born Francisco Jorge Bergoglio, is the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church and current Head of State of the Vatican, after succeeding Pope Benedict XVI, who abdicated the papacy (in Latin: Franciscus, Buenos Aires, 17 December 1936) On February 28, 2013.
The opening of the process took place on January 24, with a ceremony presided by the Diocesan Bishop of Caratinga, Bishop Emanuel Messias de Oliveira. On Sunday (25), a Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated in the Mother Church of Manhumirim (MG), a municipality where the priest spent the last years of his life.
The opening of the process took place on January 24, with a ceremony presided by the Diocesan Bishop of Caratinga, Bishop Emanuel Messias de Oliveira. On Sunday (25), a Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated in the Mother Church of Manhumirim (MG), a municipality where the priest spent the last years of his life.
Bishop Emanuel Messias de Oliveira
Technical Team " Process of Beatification of Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde " Servant of God"
St. Peter's Basilica
The Basilica of St. Peter (in Latin: Basilica Sancti Petri, in Italian Basilica di San Pietro) is a basilica in the Vatican State. It is the largest and most important religious building of Catholicism and one of the most visited Christian sites in the world. [2] [3] Covers an area of 23,000 m² or 2.3 hectares (5.7 acres) and can house more than 60,000 devotees (more than one hundred times the population of the Vatican). It is the building with the most prominent interior of the Vatican, its dome being a dominant characteristic of the horizon of Rome, adorned with 340 statues of saints, martyrs and angels. Located in St. Peter's Square, its construction has received contributions from some of the greatest artists in the history of mankind, such as Bramante, Miguel Ângelo, [5] Rafael and Bernini. wiki/Basílica_de_São_Pedro
St. Peter's Basilica
The Basilica of St. Peter (in Latin: Basilica Sancti Petri, in Italian Basilica di San Pietro) is a basilica in the Vatican State. It is the largest and most important religious building of Catholicism and one of the most visited Christian sites in the world. [2] [3] Covers an area of 23,000 m² or 2.3 hectares (5.7 acres) and can house more than 60,000 devotees (more than one hundred times the population of the Vatican). It is the building with the most prominent interior of the Vatican, its dome being a dominant characteristic of the horizon of Rome, adorned with 340 statues of saints, martyrs and angels. Located in St. Peter's Square, its construction has received contributions from some of the greatest artists in the history of mankind, such as Bramante, Miguel Ângelo, [5] Rafael and Bernini.
The Christ, the Pope and the Church
Intimate Secrets of the Papacy
Fr. Júlio Maria de Lombaerde
Missionary of Our Lady of the Ssm. sacrament
Book of 1940 - 422 pages
Bishop Emanuel Messias - Diocesan Bishop of Caratinga
Son of Deoclides Oliveira and Maria Angélica Teixeira. He was born on April 22, 1948, in Salinas Minas Gerais. He entered the Seminary by the Diocese of Governador Valadares in 1960. He studied Philosophy at the Seminary of Mariana. Between 1969 and 1975 he graduated in Theology and Master in Biblical exegesis in Rome. Back in Brazil, he was ordained a priest in 1976, in Governador Valadares, exercising his ministry in the parish of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Ilha dos Araujos. In 1998, he was appointed bishop of Guanhães. Since May 20, 2011. is at the head of the Diocese of Caratinga. His motto: "At the service of Mercy.
September 24, 2015 ·
Process of beatification of Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God"
" Bishop Emanuel Messias ** Bishop of the Diocese of Caratinga ''
Initiative for the process of beatification of Fr Júlio Maria de Lombaerde was Bishop Emanuel Messias "Bishop of the diocese of Caratinga,
Bishop Emanuel Messias appointed Dr. Paolo Vilotta as Postulator of the Cause of Fr. Julio Maria De Lombaerde. In turn, in need of someone accompanying the process in Brazil, on March 22, 2013, the Postulator appointed Fr. Heleno Raimundo da Silva SDN as Superior General of the Julimarian Family for the office of Vice -Postulator.
The opening of the process took place on January 24, with a ceremony presided by the Diocesan Bishop of Caratinga, Bishop Emanuel Messias de Oliveira. On Sunday (25), a Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated in the Mother Church of Manhumirim (MG), a municipality where the priest spent the last years of his life.
As a milestone in the commemorations of the centenary of the diocese, the magazine changed its format from A4 folded to tabloid format. Another important change, still in the visual plane, is the color printing, with more modern graphic design.
However, the main change happens in the so-called media convergence, which represents the passage from the only printed material to the magazine's digital existence, which has gained a page on the internet. On the page, you can find some of the main news and articles published by the magazine.
Get to know the new magazine Guidelines on your web page by clicking here.
January 31, 2014 / Estado de Minas newspaper
Church of the Lord Bom Jesus "Greater concrete construction, reinforced cement of Latin America, Con- struction of Father Júlio Maria de Lombaerde" Servant of God "
The Vatican gives an endorsement for the opening of the process of beatification of Fr. Júlio Maria De Lombaerde.
Video ... "Documentary" Beatification of Father Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God" Dr Paolo Vilotta in an interview directly from Rome.
"To be holy does not mean to be superior to others; Rather, the saint may be very weak, he may have made so many mistakes in his life. Holiness is this deep contact with God, making friends with God: it is letting the Other act, the only One that really can make the world good and happy. Therefore, if Saint Josemaría Escrivá speaks of the call of all to be saints, it seems to me that he is ultimately drawing from this personal experience of not having done incredible things alone, but of letting God act.
(JOSEPH RATZINGER - Article "L'Osservatore Romano", 6-X-2002)
Postulator Romano Dr Paolo Villota & Fr Heleno Raimundo Sacramental Missionary of Our Lady in the Cause of Father Julius Maria De Lombaerde .
PE. HELENO RAIMUNDO-SDNHistorian, a profound scholar of the life of Fr. Júlio Maria, director / editor of the sacramental newspaper "The Wrestler", elected one of the councilors of the congregation (2014/2018), Fr. Heleno is working for the beatification of Fr. Lombaerde. He participated in a wonderful pilgrimage through Italy, Jordan and other countries, where in Rome he had the opportunity to deepen in the Vatican the dream of the sacramental people: the beatification of Fr. Julius.
Process of beatification of Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God"
Pilgrimage & Pilgrims
According to Fr Heleno ...
Places visited:
Italy: Rome, Vatican and Assisi.
Israel: Tiberias, Cana, Nazareth, Mount Tabor, Sea of Galilee, Dead Sea, River Jordan, Jerusalem, Ein Karen and Bethlehem.
Jordan: Amman, Madaba, Mount Nebo, Kerak and Petra.
Is not it a dream green? Others will be realized ..
Dr. Paolo Vilotta (first postulator) in need of someone accompanying the process in Brazil, appointed, on March 22, 2013, by appointment of Superiors General of the Julimarian Family, appointed Fr Heleno Raimundo Silva da Silva, SDN, to the office Of Vice-Postulator.
Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady - with Heleno Raimundo Silva. - with Heleno Raimundo Silva.
First second postulator
Trip abroad
According to the Left Fr Heleno Raimundo "second postulator" cause of Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God"
Sister Terzinha SDN / right Fr. Luiz Paulo Fagundes SDN
Coliseu Roma
River Jordan
River Jordan
River Jordan
St. Joseph Institute in Torhou. He is a boarding school in which he studied Fr. Julio Maria in the years 1893 and 1984.
José Geraldo Oliveira Queiroz Pe Heleno step on
Lands where the great Servant of God was born Julio Maria de Lombaerde is like searching for the waters that will kill our thirst for Holiness ... to inspire us in the life of Fr Julio Maria de Lombaerde ..
The friends and family we thank Christian solidarity, by the prayers and prayers, a moment of p
ain and longing, by meeting in end of our dear mother with the Holy Trinity.
"The resurrection of Christ brought us the hope and the certainty that we will raise him up to eternal life."
Today [25], at 7:30 pm, pray your mass memory, array of São José, in Calves-PE.
Host, in Mary, the Lady of the Eucharist, our hug of gratitude.
PE. Heleno Raimundo, SDN and Family
ain and longing, by meeting in end of our dear mother with the Holy Trinity.
"The resurrection of Christ brought us the hope and the certainty that we will raise him up to eternal life."
Today [25], at 7:30 pm, pray your mass memory, array of São José, in Calves-PE.
Host, in Mary, the Lady of the Eucharist, our hug of gratitude.
PE. Heleno Raimundo, SDN and Family
Fr. Raymond Aloysius and the celebration of the Eucharist. Great example of humility ...!!!
Today [25], at 7:30 pm, pray your mass memory, array of São José, in Calves-PE. Host, in Mary, the Lady of the Eucharist, our hug of gratitude.
PE. Heleno Raimundo, SDN and Family
Foundation Júlio Maria De Lombaerde SDN
Father Aureliano de Moura Lima
General Director of the Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lord
Fr. Aureliano de Moura Lima, Superior General (sdn)
Fr Aureliano de Moura Lima, Superior General (sdn), rejoiced in the organization and success of the historic event, saying "first of all we would like to thank God very much for this event, at which time the three congregations founded by Fr. And in this deeper consideration of the three themes: Mission, Spirituality and Eucharist in the life and inscribed by Fr. Julius Mary in his Missionary action. In addition to the studies, these were moments of re-encounter with other Brothers of Congregations, thus strengthening our family ties. ""
Homage to Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God"
It extends the filthy filth of the branches in position superior to the sombre horizon ...
And in that tiny space of time inspires my imagination ...
The pleasant and inexpressive breeze becomes more alive to the atmosphere ...
A figure, a presence and with that breath ... !!!
It is that the ardent desire of a heart calls, strikes strong, anxious to be in preparation, runs with dominion the branch in splendid flower ...
The bright and penetrating sky in its relevance shines the elements and shimmering stars,
The body vibrates and how your sparkling sapphire eyes manifest themselves ...
In a transcendental transcendence in harmony with the sacred, in a gleaming and transparent hue ...
I see a soul in love, in a genuine transcendental transcendence ...
The meeting is with the sacred, most holy, sacramental, "Sovereign King"
(Author Solange Malosto public 19/09/2015)
Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde, Founder of the Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady, Sacramentine Sisters of Our Lady and Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Participants of the Julimariano symposium in Manhumirim.
. The symposium was attended by seminarians, priests and sisters of the congregation founded by the late Padre Júlio Maria de Lombaerde. Fathers who had the honor of knowing and living with the late Fr. Júlio Maria (Dom Afonso de Miranda SDN)
Right: Fr José Raimundo SDN / Fr. Aureliano de Moura Lima * Superior General of the Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady * Archbishop Antonio Afonso de Miranda SDN / Sr. Jovelina SDN /
Left: Sister Cacilda Mendes Peixoto (sdn) Coordination
Location: Colegio Santa Teresinha de Manhumirim ..
Santa Teresinha Entrevista :
Semana da inclusão
http:// noticia/82109/ missionarios-sacramentinos- desenvolvem-trabalho-de-hu manizacao-e-evangelizacao- em-angola
Life is God's gift! Taking good care of her is our duty. Giving meaning to life is an option that each person makes. This blogger presents for you opportunities to know our mission.
We were born among the mountains of Minas Gerais, on December 24, 1929 - Manhumirim.
Life is God's gift! Taking good care of her is our duty. Giving meaning to life is an option that each person makes. This blogger presents for you opportunities to know our mission.
We were born among the mountains of Minas Gerais, on December 24, 1929 - Manhumirim.
Life is God's gift! Taking good care of her is our duty. Giving meaning to life is an option that each person makes. This blogger presents for you opportunities to know our mission.
We were born among the mountains of Minas Gerais, on December 24, 1929 - Manhumirim.
Belo Horizonte / capital Minas Gerais
Life is God's gift! Taking good care of her is our duty. Giving meaning to life is an option that each person makes. This blogger presents for you opportunities to know our mission.
We were born among the mountains of Minas Gerais, on December 24, 1929 - Manhumirim
* Poema** Homenagem Pe Júlio Maria de Lombaerde " Servo de Deus"
* La estrella mas hermosa de la noche**
Instintiva, sinfônica, cândida e relutância reluzente...
Qual abstrato vivo, virtuose, cônscio, porém não concreto...
A indução é magnética unida à fluorescência ...
Inviolável dádiva consagrada, comparada a...
la estrella mas hermosa de la noche..!!!
Senhora, *Sois Rainha, Eucarística, eucaristia...!!!
Entre às diversificadas e inúmeras essências, sois a mais perfumada, maior evidência, transcendência e luminescência... Eucaristia...!!!
Surpreendente e extraordinária benevolência...
Prodigiosa, solidária, bela , harmoniosa...
Como não usufruir, tamanha fluorescência...!!!
( Autora Solange Malosto)
Júlio Maria não desconhecia os encantos dessa preciosa
e encantadora Senhora. Sempre atenta às necessidades de seus filhos, mestra no serviço e gratuidade. Reconhecendo seu valor diante do Altíssimo, como exemplo de humildade, diante de seu " Sim" solícito às manifestações da alma, do servir, presenteia o Onipotente Altíssimo, homenageando - os, fundando a Congregação. Congregação de homens e mulheres que deixaram e deixam tudo pelo Evangelho. Homens e mulheres com votos de obediência, castidade e pobreza. Não é que celibato esteja ligado aos padres e freiras mas o religioso virgem serve melhor ao altar. Uma disciplina da igreja e por sinal muito bem pensada. São os missionários sacramentinos de Nossa Senhora. " Um sonho à muito acalentado" Projeto que paulatinamente foi criando forma e em que dimensão...!!! Júlio não ficou só na intenção. Deu asas à ela...!!! O Altíssimo em seu infinito amor compadece de seus filhos , tendo - o como o instrumento eficaz, presenteando - nos através da misericórdia " em cada coração. Como entender a intensidade do amor divino e tamanha misericórdia?A missão de Júlio Maria continua aqui na terra através dos irmãos de congregação, no anúncio da palavra, almas julimarianas , pessoas que trazem no coração o ardor missionário gerado pela vocação. " Prioridade da congregação continua sendo as vocações" Seus filhos diletos trilham sobre as pegadas de seu fundador, entusiasta sacramentino Júlio Maria de Lombaerde. ( texto de Solange Malosto data 12/10/2014) watch?v=RwUJFNFk3Q4 watch?v=DO1asx9wL1U
* La estrella mas hermosa de la noche**
Instintiva, sinfônica, cândida e relutância reluzente...
Qual abstrato vivo, virtuose, cônscio, porém não concreto...
A indução é magnética unida à fluorescência ...
Inviolável dádiva consagrada, comparada a...
la estrella mas hermosa de la noche..!!!
Senhora, *Sois Rainha, Eucarística, eucaristia...!!!
Entre às diversificadas e inúmeras essências, sois a mais perfumada, maior evidência, transcendência e luminescência... Eucaristia...!!!
Surpreendente e extraordinária benevolência...
Prodigiosa, solidária, bela , harmoniosa...
Como não usufruir, tamanha fluorescência...!!!
( Autora Solange Malosto)
Júlio Maria não desconhecia os encantos dessa preciosa
e encantadora Senhora. Sempre atenta às necessidades de seus filhos, mestra no serviço e gratuidade. Reconhecendo seu valor diante do Altíssimo, como exemplo de humildade, diante de seu " Sim" solícito às manifestações da alma, do servir, presenteia o Onipotente Altíssimo, homenageando - os, fundando a Congregação. Congregação de homens e mulheres que deixaram e deixam tudo pelo Evangelho. Homens e mulheres com votos de obediência, castidade e pobreza. Não é que celibato esteja ligado aos padres e freiras mas o religioso virgem serve melhor ao altar. Uma disciplina da igreja e por sinal muito bem pensada. São os missionários sacramentinos de Nossa Senhora. " Um sonho à muito acalentado" Projeto que paulatinamente foi criando forma e em que dimensão...!!! Júlio não ficou só na intenção. Deu asas à ela...!!! O Altíssimo em seu infinito amor compadece de seus filhos , tendo - o como o instrumento eficaz, presenteando - nos através da misericórdia " em cada coração. Como entender a intensidade do amor divino e tamanha misericórdia?A missão de Júlio Maria continua aqui na terra através dos irmãos de congregação, no anúncio da palavra, almas julimarianas , pessoas que trazem no coração o ardor missionário gerado pela vocação. " Prioridade da congregação continua sendo as vocações" Seus filhos diletos trilham sobre as pegadas de seu fundador, entusiasta sacramentino Júlio Maria de Lombaerde. ( texto de Solange Malosto data 12/10/2014)
Paris of Our Lady of the Eucharist
Delight us in incantations ...
It enchants us by the essence ...
That concretize ... perpetuate .. The dream that cherishes ...
Life is God's gift! Taking good care of her is our duty. Giving meaning to life is an option that each person makes. This blogger presents for you opportunities to know our mission.
We were born among the mountains of Minas Gerais, on December 24, 1929 - Manhumirim
Capela Bairro do Roque / Manhumirim
Primeiro prédio da Escola Normal Santa Teresinha de Manhumirim
Fundação Padre Júlio Maria De Lombaerde " Servo de Deus" & Madre Maria Beatriz SDN
Escola Normal Santa Teresinha Manhumirim Minas
Escola Normal Santa Teresinha / Manhumirim Minas
LEGACY "Normal School Santa Teresinha
Charisma Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God"
Digital of an Integral & Spiritual Character ...
Conscious of his duty as a spiritual leader, Julius Maria De Lombaerde had an interest in himself, something supernatural that led him to print, to leave a reflection of life, to print his fingerprints of an integral spiritual character to all people not only of his time but of future generations. The greatest legacy a leader can leave to his followers be these followers the church or the family, is the character of Christ imprinted on attitudes consistent with his way of life. text Solange Malosto
"The prodigious achievements are that they are true concretizations of dreams" Solange Malosto
"Despite its invisibility the spirit has, it has a genuine translucent and exuberant receptivity being felt in the heart, overflowing with charisma and sympathy that everyone plods." text by Solange Malosto
Photo: First building of the Santa Teresinha Normal School / Foundation Júlio Maria De Lombaerde Foundation & Founder Mother Maria Beatriz Sdn
Religious Sacramentary Brothers of Our Lady
Like This Page · October 25, 2014 ·
He is a man of God !!! Sr. João da Silva Resende, born on December 27, 1940, is our Religious Brother of the Congregation of the Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady. He was also one of the protagonists of the Good News Movement [MoBoN]. His life at the service of the people motivates us to be service among so many suffering people. This man's missionary experience goes beyond boundaries, so much that I have not enough leather to describe here. But for you, religious or not, the important thing to note is that Brother João Resende presents us with a testimony of life that enlightens us in our mission. His missionary experience in Mato Grosso filled the hearts of the matogross people with a new hope, a courageous force to fight for their own lives and for the construction of a more Christian and just society for the suffering people. "God tells Moses that he hears the cry of the people and therefore sends a prophet to liberate him from slavery." Sr. João Resende is this prophet who allows himself to be made "a docile instrument in the hands of the Lord to operate at least a little good "(Words of our holy Founder, Servant of God, Fr. Julius Maria). Today, Brother João Resende resides in Dom Cavati-MG, where he is the House of Courses of Mobon .... And he continues his missionary activity "always on the way ..." around the world, from parish to parish with his Experience of the basic ecclesial community forming the people, freeing them from the slavery of the world !!! Save to Brother Joao da Silva Resende ...
Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady
Like This Page · October 25, 2014 ·
He is a man of God !!! Sr. João da Silva Resende, born on December 27, 1940, is our Religious Brother of the Congregation of the Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady. He was also one of the protagonists of the Good News Movement [MoBoN]. His life at the service of the people motivates us to be service among so many suffering people. This man's missionary experience goes beyond boundaries, so much that I have not enough leather to describe here. But for you, religious or not, the important thing to note is that Brother João Resende presents us with a testimony of life that enlightens us in our mission. His missionary experience in Mato Grosso filled the hearts of the matogross people with a new hope, a courageous force to fight for their own lives and for the construction of a more Christian and just society for the suffering people. "God tells Moses that he hears the cry of the people and therefore sends a prophet to liberate him from slavery." Sr. João Resende is this prophet who allows himself to be made "a docile instrument in the hands of the Lord to operate at least a little good "(Words of our holy Founder, Servant of God, Fr. Julius Maria). Today, Brother João Resende resides in Dom Cavati-MG, where he is the House of Courses of Mobon .... And he continues his missionary activity "always on the way ..." around the world, from parish to parish with his Experience of the basic ecclesial community forming the people, freeing them from the slavery of the world !!! Save to Brother Joao da Silva Resende ...
Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady
Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady
Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady
EditorThe Fighter Magazine
The Fighter is a Catholic newspaper with three monthly editions that brings articles and special reports on the main events of the world.
O Lutador Bh
Life is God's gift! Taking good care of her is our duty. Giving meaning to life is an option that each person makes. This blogger presents for you opportunities to know our mission.
We were born among the mountains of Minas Gerais, on December 24, 1929 - Manhumirim.
Team of the process of beatification of Fr Júlio Maria de Lombaerde "Servant of God"
"I fought the good fight, I completed the race, I kept the faith!" (2Tm 4,7)
On December 24, 1944, Parish of Manhumirim lost its vicar, its congregations lost a father, the Church lost a defender. But heaven won a saint! Servant of God Father Julius Maria, intercede for us!
Father Demerval / Dom Miranda /Father Antonio Felipe da Cunha SDN
Julio Emilio Viera Telles / Júlio Teles Manhumirim Minas Gerais Citações de Solange Malosto
Photo: Deuxième gauche / M. Geraldo Viera Telles / Descendant of Africans /
Naturel de la Serra do Papagaio / Manhumirim à Carangola
Introducteur de la première école de typographie de Manhumirim
Il est décédé à l'âge de 84 ans
(elle) de Calabre / Italie
fille de José Barleto / Italian / Italy
Geraldo Viera Telles et sa femme / grand progéniture (08) enfants
Julio Emilio Viera Teles Manhumirim Minas
Julio Emilio Viera Telles a toujours eu une grande dévotion avec Padre Júlio Maria De Lombaerde et Notre Dame Aparecida.Orgulha - d'avoir le nom du saint fondateur
Julio Emílio Viera Teles / Advogado Manhumirim Minas
Photo: Docteur Júlio Emilio Viera Telles / Avocat
De Manhumirim Minas Gerais
Né le 19 mars 1951
Júlio Viera Telles a été baptisé dans la ville de Manhumirim et a reçu le nom de Julio Emilio Viera Telles de ses parents en l'honneur du P. Júlio Maria De Lombaerde. Fils de parents fervents et amis du missionnaire aujourd'hui Serviteur de Dieu
De Manhumirim Minas Gerais
Né le 19 mars 1951
Júlio Viera Telles a été baptisé dans la ville de Manhumirim et a reçu le nom de Julio Emilio Viera Telles de ses parents en l'honneur du P. Júlio Maria De Lombaerde. Fils de parents fervents et amis du missionnaire aujourd'hui Serviteur de Dieu
Sa catéchiste Celina Vieira a déclaré un sourire commun sur ses lèvres "Julius était un catéchiste très dévoué"
Júlio Emílio Viera Telles est un bel exemple d'humilité ... !!!
Manager na empresa Aloe forme & santé, Founder na empresa Brasil France 21 e Conseiller clientèle na empresa Objectif Amériques
Mon entrée au Séminaire à Manhumirim au coeur de la Congreçao do Sacramentinos de Nossa Senhora - SDN avec Padre Demerval Alves Botelho qui m'a appris la passion par la langue française et ouvert les portes de la Sorbonne à Paris en 1986.
Nous sommes responsable de nos choix et je me réjoui d'avoir choisi à l'age de 15 ans mon expérience au sein de cette communauté qui m'a tant appris.
Mon deuxième meilleur choix aura été de partir le jour qui je me suis rendu compte que le sacerdoce n'était pas mon ultime vocation.
Tellement de chemin parcouru et il reste encore tant à faire. De cette expérience j'ai gardé le plus important, la foie dans un monde meilleur et l'importance de l'éducation dans la formation humaine. Merci à la Vie, Merci à tous ceux qui auront traversé mon chemin.
February 9, 1980 (already 37 years old) undoubtedly the best choice of my life. My entrance to the Seminar in Manhumirim in the heart of Congreçao do Sacramentinos of Nossa Senhora - SDN with Padre Demerval Alves Botelho who taught me passion by the French language and opened the doors of the Sorbonne in Paris in 1986. We are responsible for our choices and I am delighted that at the age of 15 I have chosen my experience in this community that has taught me so much. My second best choice was to leave the day that I realized that the priesthood was not my ultimate vocation. So much progress has been made and so much remains to be done. From this experience I kept the most important, the liver in a better world and the importance of education in human formation. Thank you to Life, Thank you to all those who will have crossed my path.
Direita pra esquerda catequista Celina Vieira ( lenço no pescoço e roupa escura )
Father Ronaldo Lopes Correa SDN
Secretary of Tourism of Minas Gerais attends a ceremony in honor of the centenary of Father Julio Maria Lombaerde's arrival in Brazil
Surroundings of the Mother Church of Manhumirim
Left: Fr Antonio Otaviano da Costa Franco SDN
Right: Dom Antonio Miranda SDN
Dom Antonio Felipe da Cunha
Father Stevam SDN
XIV Capítulo Conselho dos Padres Sdn.
Father Stevam 1975
Father Herval / SDN
Exhumation and official recognition of the remains
Of Beatification.
Legacy left for a whole and not only ( Colegio Santa Teresinha / Apostolic Seminary / Hospital Júlio Maria / Agricultural Patronato / Asilo São Vicente de Paula / Jornal " o Fighter
List of Published Books
An Apôtre De Nos Jours Or La Vie Et L'Esprit Du Tres R. P. Jean-Berthier
A Cry Of Alarm (Portuguese Translation In Manuscript Of A Cri De Detresse).
Mar Journée Avec Marie
The Secret of True Devotion
Les Principes Théologiques De La Vi D'intimité Avec Marie
Les Enseignements De
Evangelical Contemplations - I: The Poodles of Calvary
The Supernatural Contemplation
Form of the Exercises and Prayers of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Constitutions of the Congregation of the Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady
The Danger of Protestant Colleges
Protestant Clown
A Man With Seven Heads
The Woman And The Snake
Little Hand Of The Associates Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus (De Manhumirim)
Protestant Objections And Errors
Irrefutable Answer to Protestant Objections
Mois De Marie Des Missions
Pourquoi Jáime Marie?
An Apostle of Our Days (Biographical Outline of D. Carloto Fernandes Távora, Bishop of Caratinga)
The Secrets of Spiritism
Controversies Of Doctrine, Of Science And Of Good Sense
Doctrine, Science, And Good Sense Lamps
Protestant Attacks on Catholic Truths
The Christ, The Pope And The Church
Form Of Exercises And Prayers Of The Congregation Of Our Lady Of The Blessed Sacrament (Sacramentinos Of Our Lady)
The Angel Of Light
The Blessed Woman
The Dark Angel
Evangelical Contemplations Ii: The Ascent of Calvary
The Sunday Gospel
Mary And The Eucharist
Eucharistic Sun
The Devil, Luther and Protestantism
An Angel Of The Eucharist
Constitutions of the Congregation of the Sacramentine Sisters of Our Lady
Protestant Shambles
The Gospel of Liturgical Holidays
God And The Man
Eucharistic Commentary
Moral Commentary
Statutes Of The Hospital And Asilo São Vicente De Paulo
Apostolic Commentary
Practical Method Of The Holy Hour
Statute Of Maternity Service And Protection Of Childhood And Adolescence "Darci Vargas" Of Manhumirim
Liturgical Commentary Or Commentary On Liturgical Life
Is the End of the World Near? - Good Newspaper Bookstore - Rio De Janeiro
Souls Sacramentinas
Adventures Of Chiquinho Dos
The Papisa Joana
Light In The Dark
Saint Gabriel, Mohammed And Islam (Post-Work)
Dogmatic Commentary
Sex And Relationship (Posthumous Work)
Règlement (Spiritual Notes / Post-Work)
Father Aureliano de Moura Lima / Father Sebastião Brás SDN
Hospital Júlio Maria
Asilo São Vicente de Paula
Colegi Santa Teresinha
Família Malosto / Manhumirim
Agricultural Patronato
Photo: Father Luiz Paulo & his mother.
Padre Pascoal Rangel / Belo Horizonte
Father Ivo Urbano Moreira sdn
Sacramentary Fathers (SDN) who worked in Carangola during the years 1955 to 1981: Fr. Antônio Júlio Filizola, Fr. Antenos Nunes Pimentel, Fr. Luiz Augusto Paes Barreto, Fr. Geraldo Silva Araújo, Fr. Janeo Vinício Coimbra, Fr. Paschoal Selliti Rangel, Fr. Deoclides Cassimiro Campos, Fr. Tiago Eussen, Fr. Luiz Bueno dos Santos, Fr. Leo Schulze Dukelberg, Fr. Sebastião Braz da Silveira, Fr. Sebastião Santana Silva, Fr. Elias Barbosa, Fr. José Lopes da Silva, Fr. Paulo Dias Barbosa, Fr. Ivo Urbano Moreira. - See more at: http://
In recent times Pe Ivo lived in the city of Manhuaçu where he missed ... !!!!
in honor of the sacramental missionary Father Ivo Urbano Moreira sdn) It rains outside ... I smell earth wet! Murmurs, sounds, falling rain ... I revivor a birth.It is the love of God, watering the World outside ... It's raining outside ... I'm here to meditate ... I think of the imprecise, unpredictable, anguished in an attempt to decipher ... How many nights I lose myself, in infinity, wanting a deduction It's raining outside ... It's raining outside ... I'm here to meditate ... It happened in May ... Month in which a mother conceived ... She gave birth to a son ... And what is your name? I am here to meditate ... (Author Solange Malosto.public. In the newspaper ( Tribuna do Leste Mçu )
in honor of the sacramental missionary Father Ivo Urbano Moreira sdn) It rains outside ... I smell earth wet! Murmurs, sounds, falling rain ... I revivor a birth.It is the love of God, watering the World outside ... It's raining outside ... I'm here to meditate ... I think of the imprecise, unpredictable, anguished in an attempt to decipher ... How many nights I lose myself, in infinity, wanting a deduction It's raining outside ... It's raining outside ... I'm here to meditate ... It happened in May ... Month in which a mother conceived ... She gave birth to a son ... And what is your name? I am here to meditate ... (Author Solange Malosto.public. In the newspaper ( Tribuna do Leste Mçu )
How many children like this have become daughters of God and members of the Church through these blessed hands on Sunday mornings ?!
Carangola / Minas
Manhuaçu Minas
Bishop Emanuel Messias
Bishop Emanuel Messias, diocesan Bishop of Caratinga MG
Bishop Emanuel Messias, diocesan bishop of Caratinga, embraced the Julimarian cause and said: "It is a privilege for our diocese to have Fr. Julio Maria here at this meeting with his children, I found it fantastic to see here the three congregations he fudged, and most importantly , It was the thematic and resourcefulness with which the conferences were held regarding Spirituality and Mission, I believe that it is an important and unique moment in our diocese, because the maximum commandment that Jesus left for us, is holy as the heavenly father is holy . And having the grace to have someone with a reputation for holiness in our diocese is an excellent thing, I just have to thank God. Now the process in the diocesan phase goes on, it should be a little time-consuming because of its innumerable feats to be analyzed. "
Process of Beatification of Father Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God"
Team established for the cause "Process of beatification of Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde Servant of God"
The city of Manhumirim MG successfully hosted the first Julimarian Symposium bringing together the three Congregations founded by the great Missionary Fr. Julio Maria de Lombaerde. 1st Symposium Julimariano in Manhumirim The great event was to mark the 40th anniversary of the exhumation of the remains of the Missionary of Our Lady (1878-1944), as well as the 70 years of life, in the opening of its Process of Beatification and Canonization .
Held by the Cordimarian Sisters, Sacramental Missionaries and Sacramentine Sisters of Our Lady, the event took place between the 22nd and 24th of January and had the theme: Spirituality, Eucharist and Mission in the city of Manhumirim, Minas Gerais.
The symposium counted on the presence of former seminarians and priests who had the honor of meeting and living with the late Father Julius Maria. Relating to his life and lived and acquired experiences with the Holy Missionary, Bishop Antônio Afonso Miranda, Bishop Emeritus of Taubaté SP, was able to be touched several times, all the people present in the great and historical event, "for me this process of beatification was Much more than a dream, is now fulfilled a reality, because the process introduced and blessed by Rome, will walk with the slowness of all others, but with the certainty that there will be a happy ending, Saint Mary of Lombaerde, "concludes Dom Miranda . watch?v=RwUJFNFk3Q4
The city of Manhumirim MG successfully hosted the first Julimarian Symposium bringing together the three Congregations founded by the great Missionary Fr. Julio Maria de Lombaerde. 1st Symposium Julimariano in Manhumirim The great event was to mark the 40th anniversary of the exhumation of the remains of the Missionary of Our Lady (1878-1944), as well as the 70 years of life, in the opening of its Process of Beatification and Canonization .
Held by the Cordimarian Sisters, Sacramental Missionaries and Sacramentine Sisters of Our Lady, the event took place between the 22nd and 24th of January and had the theme: Spirituality, Eucharist and Mission in the city of Manhumirim, Minas Gerais.
The symposium counted on the presence of former seminarians and priests who had the honor of meeting and living with the late Father Julius Maria. Relating to his life and lived and acquired experiences with the Holy Missionary, Bishop Antônio Afonso Miranda, Bishop Emeritus of Taubaté SP, was able to be touched several times, all the people present in the great and historical event, "for me this process of beatification was Much more than a dream, is now fulfilled a reality, because the process introduced and blessed by Rome, will walk with the slowness of all others, but with the certainty that there will be a happy ending, Saint Mary of Lombaerde, "concludes Dom Miranda .
Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady
Father Demerval Alves Botelho SDN
Acesse o link / https:// br/2011/10/ padre-demerval-alves-botelh o-lanca.html
Manhumirim Minas
"Love and Sacrifice"
Videos Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady /
1st Julimariano Symposium Process of Beatification of Fr. Julio Maria de Lombaerde
Fr Julio Maria de Lombaerde - Sacramentine Mission with Fr Aureliano de Moura Lima
The Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady, spiritual children of Fr. Júlio Maria De Lombaerde, gathered from the 14th in Manhumirim, MG, for the XV General Elective General Chapter, under the guidance of Father Dalton Barros de Almeida, CSsR, elected Today [17], the New General Government, for the animation of sacramental religious life, present in Minas Gerais, São Paulo [Taubaté], Mato Grosso, Ceará,
Father Demerval Alves Botelho & Lucy Porcaro
Afra Porcaro / 70 anos atráz
Manhumirim Minas Gerais / Antiga
Missionários Sacramentinos
Mission in Africa - Renato Borges sdn back to Brazil
Father João Lúcio / África
Fr Renato and João Lúcio in Missions in Africa
The trip to the new mission area of the Congregation first passed through Rio de Janeiro. Until Rio de Janeiro the trip was silent. We were still full of emotion for the affection received from the friends and brothers of the Congregation
Published on Nov 8, 2012
Sacramentinos of Our Lady take over the Cultural Expansion Foundation
Posted on Jan 29, 2014
Mission in Africa - Renato Borges sdn back to Brazil
Father João Lúcio / África
Hortega Fonseca / Father Mateus Garbazza / Solange Malosto / Luciano Machado
Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady
Father Júlio Pessoa franco SDN
Father Antonio Otaviano da Costa Franco SDN
Father José Múccio SDN
Father José Múccio SDN
Father Geraldo Magela Mairink SDN
September 12, 2015 ·
August 14 · Edited ·
Video-report recorded and screened by Catuaí TV, Manhuaçu-MG. It portrays the life and work of the Belgian priest Fr. Julio Maria de Lombaerde. Recorded in Manhumirim-MG, headquarters of the Congre
gation of the Missionaries of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament (popularly: Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady), founded by him.
To the right, Fr. Carlos Roberto Altoé, 9th successor of Fr. Julio Maria, who called the XIV Ordinary Chapter, next to the Founder's picture.
Father Auricélio SDN
Father Auricélio SDN
Father Július Maria De Lombaerde
Vídeo: Encerramento ...
Father Júlio Maria De Lombaerde
The images show the Apostolic Seminary Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, with its chapel (decorated with the painting of the Sacramentine Vision), the Historic Room and the Founder's room.
The dependencies are presented by the Rev. Fr. Geraldo Magela de Lima Mayrink, sdn, Superior General elected by the 14th Elective General Chapter of the Congregation.
Relics of Fr Júlio Maria shown for the first time to the world.
Fr Aureliano de Moura Lima, Superior General (sdn), rejoiced in the organization and success of the historic event, saying "first of all we would like to thank God very much for this event, when the three congregations founded by Fr. And in this deeper consideration of the three themes: Mission, Spirituality and Eucharist in the life and inscribed by Fr. Julius Mary in his Missionary action. In addition to the studies, these were moments of re-encounter with other Brothers of Congregations, thus strengthening our family ties. "
Video ... "Documentary" Beatification of Father Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God" Dr Paolo Vilotta in an interview directly from Rome.
1st Julimariano Symposium held successfully in Manhumirim MG
The city of Manhumirim MG successfully hosted the first Julimarian Symposium bringing together the three Congregations founded by the great Missionary Fr. Julio Maria de Lombaerde. 1st Symposium Julimariano in Manhumirim The great event was to mark the 40th anniversary of the exhumation of the remains of the Missionary of Our Lady (1878-1944), as well as the 70 years of life, in the opening of its Process of Beatification and Canonization .
Father Sebastião Santana
1º Simpósio Julimariano Processo de Beatificação de Pe. Julio Maria de Lombaerde
In an interview with the postulator Romano, Dr Paolo Vilotta, representative of Pope Francis, Vatican Rome I was moved by his words when I questioned the postulator about the fact that Fr Júlio Maria, though much loved by the Manhumirienses, is so persecuted ... !!! Which saint was not persecuted Solange Malosto? Julius Maria will soon be on our altars. Greater proof of the sanctification of this man?
"Documentary" Beatification of Father Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God" Dr Paolo Vilotta in an interview directly from Rome.
Paris of Our Lady of the Eucharist
Father Serge
Serge was thrilled to know all about the creation of his brother in the congregation "this Symposium was the best thing that could ever happen to me, this great meeting with the three Julimarian Congregations, made me reflect that it is important to be a missionary of Truth in the dedication of the cause of the kingdom, I could see that Father Julio was able to fulfill his mission of holiness already here on earth for everything he has accomplished in such a short time, it is unbelievable what we see before our eyes here in the city of Manhumirim Minas Gerais.
Parish of São José de Macapá next to the residence of Father Julio
"I follow the tracks that you have crossed me; I give the battles to those who invited me; I accompany the Star which he has made to shine in the darkness of my youth. "
Parish of São José de Macapá next to the residence of Father Julio
"I follow the tracks that you have crossed me; I give the battles to those who invited me; I accompany the Star which he has made to shine in the darkness of my youth. "
Father Julius Maria was born in Waereghen (Belgium) on January 8, 1878. His parents were Joseph of Lombaerde and Sidon Steelant. Received in the Font baptismal the name of Julio Emilio. Attracted by the missionary life, while attending the Mass of a missionary saint, before he finished his studies, he became a "white brother" with the name of Brother Optate Mary, and went to work in Africa. As a result of fevers he returned to Europe and, feeling called to the priesthood, entered the Congregation of the Holy Family, founded by Father Berthir, in Grave (Holland) to collect late vocations. He was ordained on January 13, 1908. In 1912, when he was doing immensely good preaching missions in France, he was suddenly sent to Brazil (Amazonia), where he worked for 15 years as a missionary among the Indians and caboclos.
Mother Maria Beatriz & Father Julius Maria
Mother Maria Beatriz "An example of humility" Co - founder of the Congregation of Sacramental Missionaries. Faithful partner of the founder "Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde.http: //
Mother Maria Beatriz, was born in Paracambi / RJ, on 11/27/1896. Co-Foundress of the Sacramentine Sisters of Our Lady. In his ideal of fraternity, he proposed to the Congregation the motto: "One heart and one soul"
Sr. Cacilda Mendes Peixoto (SDN), Superior General,
September 13, 2015 ·
Sr. Cacilda Mendes Peixoto (SDN), Superior General, said: "In the first place Father Julio Maria is the founder, we bring this mark of a man who lived deeply the Eucharistic Marian charism in the mission that he was assuming on the day. And we, as sacramental sisters, daughter of this GREAT man, also bear this mark, so where we are bringing this presence of Mary and the Eucharist, leading it above all to all the people to whom we live and work, we are already ten years in Angola In Africa, we have recently opened a community in Tefé's prelude to the Amazon where we work with the riverside peoples to which there are more than thirty communities, where we give our contribution in the schools in the Paçoquias where we operate and are trying to impress on the people, Of our Eucharistic Marian charism, and this is very typical of Fr. Julio Maria.
Lived the Marian Eucharistic charism profoundly in the mission that he was taking on day to day. And as sacramental sisters the daughter of this great man we also bring this mark, so where we are bringing this presence of Mary and the Eucharist, leading it above all to all the people to whom we live and work, we are already ten years in Angola In Africa, we have recently opened a community in Tefé's prelude to the Amazon where we work with the riverside peoples to which there are more than thirty communities, where we give our contribution in the schools in the Paçoquias where we operate and are trying to impress on the people, Of our Eucharistic Marian charism, and this is very proper of Fr.
"Directly from Rome" Vatican "the Roman Postulator Dr. Paolo Villota, speaking on the process of beatification of the cause of Fr. Julio Maria de Lombaerde" Servant of God "
Dr. Paolo Vilotta, Postulator of the Vatican, described her grateful satisfaction in participating in the process. "I am very happy to work here with all the staff responsible for the beatification process of Our Lady of the Sacrament of the Blessed Virgin Mary Maria de Lombaerde. Preliminary work began about a year and a half ago to begin to see what the situation was like. Because it is a historical process, we will have a valuable work ahead. For a long time, I have been beatifying processes, and in particular I am very fond of the Missionary Spirit. At the beginning of the study, together with letters and people who met Father Julio Maria, I was able to feel your great ideal as a Missionary. And much more, he was not like many Missionaries, he was working on the true value and importance of the Catholic Church and its evangelization, and he also wanted to see a Brazilian community born in Brazil, that is, the novelty of the missionary spirit of Fr. Julio Maria de Lombaerde, he wanted to make the Brazilian saint, it was a great desire of him. "
Legacy of Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde
Apostolic Seminary of Manhumirim / Colégio Santa Teresinha de Manhumirim / Hospital Júlio Maria De Lombaerde / Azilo St. Vincent de Paula / Patronato Santa Maria / "The Fighter" Journal / Manhumirim Apostolic Seminary / Santa Teresina College / Coordimarianas Congregation Amapá / Macapá
Legal act opens process of beatification of Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde
An important ceremony held on the night of January 24, 2015 marked the story of the Julimariana family (Cordimarian Sisters, Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady and Sacramentine Sisters of Our Lady). After 70 years since the death of Father Julius Maria De Lombaerde, a Belgian missionary who dedicated his life to the mission in Brazil and founded three religious congregations that form the Julimarian family, his process of beatification and canonization was opened.
At 8:00 p.m., in the Matrix of Senhor Bom Jesus, in Manhumirim, the legal act of opening the process of beatification took place. The act was presided by gift Emanuel Messias, diocesan bishop of Caratinga, who took over the Court of investigation. This court will be composed of: Father Agrimaldo Teixeira, judge; Father Sérgio Venceslau, promoter; Ronaldo Frigini, notary; Ana Lúcia Frigini, deputy notary; Monsignor Raul Motta, vice chancellor; Dr. Paolo Vilotta, postulator and Father Heleno Raimundo, vice postulator. Each of them took the oath of secrecy and fidelity to the truth in the process. The church was full
Missão " Pe Aureliano de Moura Lima SDN "
Pelos Caminhos da fé..
.TV Canção Nova
Process of beatification of Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God"
Detail: Shirt / seminar print & Bom Jesus head church
Moments event "Girls of Manhumirim" promotion of Luciléa Araujo former student of Santa Teresinha college of Manhumirim foundation Fr Júlio Maria de Lombaerd date 06/04/2015 /
Location: Church Sacristy Matrix of Manhumirim moments after the celebration of Corpus Christi ...
Celebrities: Pe Edimilson & Pe Geraldo Magela Mairink SDN - with Luci Porcaro Nunes, Norma Bracks and Gogoia Laignier File:
"Directly from Rome" Vatican "the Roman Postulator Dr. Paolo Vilotta, speaking on the process of beatification of the cause of Fr. Julio Maria de Lombaerde" Servant of God
"Directly from Rome" Vatican "the Roman Postulator Dr. Paolo Vilotta, speaking on the process of beatification of the cause of Fr. Julio Maria de Lombaerde" Servant of God
Vídeos watch?v=RwUJFNFk3Q4 watch?v=nbwkUQsljNc watch?v=eE73RBLx-M4
http:// /2015/02/ 1o-simposio-julimariano-rea lizado-com-sucesso-em-manh umirim-mg/
Father Geraldo Magela Mairunk SDN watch?v=V2m0p2V3mX8 watch?v=1-WMFsD3Jok
Father Geraldo Magela Mairunk SDN
Aldeia de Beveren, município de Waregem Bélgica
7 de janeiro, mês primeiro de 1828
Batismo 8 do mesmo mês...
Nascença prodigiosa " Homenagem ao Pe Júlio Maria De Lombaerde " Servo de Deus"
A mulher concebe e dá luz à uma graciosa criança, onde o gene claro se destaca, lembrando parentesco por filiação, características próprias dos europeus...
O espectro solar lembram matiz, nuança quase imperceptível.
Safira brilhante, firmamento sem núvens e de que irradiação...!!!
A pele límpida transparente e pura , o orvalho de todas as manhãs.
Foco luminoso classificado..!!!
O agasalho é fio de fibras de linho torcidas atividade,
feita pelo domínio habilidoso de uma font,e, quando em probabilidade ou promessas...
Precisava de um envoltório para a silhueta do almejado " Corumin Portento"
( Autora Solange Malosto 08/ 09/2015 )
7 de janeiro, mês primeiro de 1828
Batismo 8 do mesmo mês...
Nascença prodigiosa " Homenagem ao Pe Júlio Maria De Lombaerde " Servo de Deus"
A mulher concebe e dá luz à uma graciosa criança, onde o gene claro se destaca, lembrando parentesco por filiação, características próprias dos europeus...
O espectro solar lembram matiz, nuança quase imperceptível.
Safira brilhante, firmamento sem núvens e de que irradiação...!!!
A pele límpida transparente e pura , o orvalho de todas as manhãs.
Foco luminoso classificado..!!!
O agasalho é fio de fibras de linho torcidas atividade,
feita pelo domínio habilidoso de uma font,e, quando em probabilidade ou promessas...
Precisava de um envoltório para a silhueta do almejado " Corumin Portento"
( Autora Solange Malosto 08/ 09/2015 )
...Foto: ... In memoriam: Flor Maes : Waasland –
Ao magistral poeta Luiz Antonio Bonini, afetuosamente, o meu apreço pela contribuição :
Luiz Antonio Bonini
Louvável tarefa que Solange Malosto, festejada poeta e indiscutível operária das letras brasileiras, avocou-se a realizar.
De fato, esse trabalho de garimpagem de informações e principalmente a sua ordenação rigorosa e científica, para embasar o processo de Beatificação de um sacerdote europeu que iluminado pela ação do Espírito Santo de Deus assumiu o encargo de organizar uma estrutura missionária que agisse em todas as partes do mundo numa ação corajosa de levar a Palavra de Deus a todos os povos.
Se por um lado, o foco desse processo investigativo tinha por objetivo ressaltar o alto grau de fé e esperança do Pe. Julio Maria De Lombaerde no estaelecimento de uma instituição missionária que pudesse suportar as dificuldades do momento para levar a mensagem cristã pelos rincões do planeta, alimentado pela carinhosa intercessão de Nossa Senhora pelo sucesso da Missão, nã poderia também perder de vista o alcance humanitário dessa tarefa.
Foi caminhando por essa estrada, muitas vezes íngreme que o Padre Júlio Maria conseguiu seu intento, sempre creditado à ação inspiradora de Maria Santíssima e com a anuência de seu filho Jesus, estabelecendo três ramos de ação cristã, qual sejam as Irmãs Cordimarianas, os Missionários Sacramentinos e as Irmãs Sacramentinas de Nossa Senhora.
As diversas etapas do processo de Beatificação seguem rígidas exigências, que após cumpridas, vão se agregando em ações jurídicas específicas ao Direito Canônico e cada uma que se conclui, transforma-se em gloriosa vitória em prol da Beatificação proposta.
Neste ponto, a ação dos colaboradores é festejada com todas as honras. Como acontece agora, no processo de do Padre Julio Maria De Lombaerde.
A poeta Solange Malosto destaca-se entre os artífices dessa abençoada jornada.
( Autora Solange Malosto 08/ 09/2015 )
Ao magistral escritor paulistano, poeta Luiz Antonio Bonini, afetuosamente, o meu apreço pela contribuição.
Coordenadora do núcleo do Artforum Br de Minas Gerais- Minas Gerais / Direção Geral Ana Ana Félix Atelîê de Artes e Poéticas Ana Felix Garjan
Óleo sobre tela Solange Malosto
Father João Lúcio Gomes Benfica
Cazombo, Moxico / Angola
Odésio Magno da Silva sdn
Father Paulo Dias Barbosa was a sacramental missionary of Our Lady for a long time. Today it is in the Diocese of Luz
1º Simpósio Julimariano Processo de Beatificação de Pe. Julio Maria de Lombaerde watch?v=RwUJFNFk3Q4
Solange Malosto
13 de maio de 2017
May 13, 2017
Left: Dr Paolo Vilota Rome Italy first postulator) representative of Pope Francis in Brazil in the cause of the beatification process of Father Julius Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God"
Solange Malosto reporter
Middle: Dr. Ana Lucia (process technician)
Relics of Fr Júlio Maria shown for the first time to the world ...
Video "Father Júlio Maria De Lombaerde" Servant of God "
Video / Pe Aureliano Moura / Mission
Fatfer Heraldo Freitas SDN
Above: Solange Malosto / Pe Antonio Otaviano / Angela Nazaré
Solange Malosto & Great friend & Partner Fr Antonio Otaviano da Costa Franco moments after closing of the process of beatification of Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God"
Father Antonio Otaviano Costa Franco SDN
Fr Matheus Garbazza mother Luíza Garbazza
Solange Malosto julho de 2007
Father José Raimundo da Costa / Bom Despacho
Jef Lombaerde / Belgium
Lombaerde family cousins of Father Julio Maria fassando weekend at Fazenda Boa Vista in Manhumirim (sons Jef & Mariek) also present.
Photo: family, children and family Malosto'.
Residencia dos Sanglard & Malosto
Piet & Inge Lombaerd (Antwerp
Remembering a book that thrilled me "Doctor of Men and Souls ... !!! Doctor
D, Malosto
Fazenda Boa Vista where Father Júlio Maria De Lombaerde made several baptisms.
Left: Jose Sanglard baptized by Father Julio M. L
Medium: Zulma Sanglard Malosto (90 years old) met him
Teresinha Sanglard's wife Jose Sanglard met Father Julius Maria.
According to them the founder was an example of humility.
Zulma Sanglard Malosto
Left: Christian / Ramon / Cássius Malosto
Fazenda Boa Vista
Father Raul
Fotos - G. M
Vídeo: Pe Júlio Maria De Lombaerde
Documentário " Pe Júlio Maria de Lombaerde Servo de Deus" Tv Rede Minas
Petronilia Malosto Celina Vieira José Geraldo (esposo )
Family Nazaré
Bodas de Prata
Mariêta e Antônio Albuquerque.
Com Ernesto o filho mais velho e o mais novo Vicente ( Filhos de Maria Rita Albuquerque filha
Esquerda : Maria das Graças Albuquerque
Direita: Maria Rita Albuquerque
Filhas do Casal:
Mariêta e Antônio Albuquerque.
Mariêta e Antônio Albuquerque.
The influence of Fr. Julio Maria in the formation of the Christian family - Dr. Nádia Maria Guariza
Fazenda Boa Vista C, Malosto
Foundation in January 1984
Short Description
Official channel of Rede Minas, a television station with programming that synthesizes the cultural, economic, social and educational diversity of Minas Gerais.
Long Description
Rede Minas is a cultural and educational TV, which for 30 years has shaped and consolidated the values of society, actively contributing to the construction of citizenship. The station is integrated into the cultural policy of the State of Minas Gerais, through the Culture Secretariat.
Its actions prioritize social inclusion, culture, education, health, leisure and respect for the human being, providing everyone with the right to information with quality. It is investing in people and technology that the Mine Network creates, every day, conditions so that all miners are full citizens and can thus grow, express themselves, experience, move and dream.
Foundation in January 1984
Official channel of Rede Minas, a television station with programming that synthesizes the cultural, economic, social and educational diversity of Minas Gerais.
Long Description
Rede Minas is a cultural and educational TV, which for 30 years has shaped and consolidated the values of society, actively contributing to the construction of citizenship. The station is integrated into the cultural policy of the State of Minas Gerais, through the Culture Secretariat.
Its actions prioritize social inclusion, culture, education, health, leisure and respect for the human being, providing everyone with the right to information with quality. It is investing in people and technology that the Mine Network creates, every day, conditions so that all miners are full citizens and can thus grow, express themselves, experience, move and dream.
Amarildo Texeira & Adriana ( esposa )
Mariek Lombaerde
João Rosendo Alvim Soares ( restaurador )
VÍDEO: João Rosendo Alvim Soares / Pe Júlio Maria De Lombaerde " Servo de Deus " watch?v=mu5R2SSHsaM
Foto: Padre Marcos ( pároco ) João Rosendo Alvim Soares
João Rosendo Alvim Soares ( restaurador )
VÍDEO: João Rosendo Alvim Soares / Pe Júlio Maria De Lombaerde " Servo de Deus "
Foto: Padre Marcos ( pároco ) João Rosendo Alvim Soares
João Rosendo Your mother / brother Simplício
Sacramental and lay missionaries - José Geraldo Queiroz, former seminarian of the Congregation of the Sacred Missionaries of Our Lady
José Geraldo Queiroz, former seminarian of the Congregation of the Sacred Missionaries of Our Lady
Family José Geraldo Queiroz
Legacy of Fr Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God" was remembered in the commemorations of
March 16 day of the city of Manhumirim. Apostolic Seminary of the Sacramental Missionaries
Headquarters of the Bom Jesus de Manhumirim (the first construction of concrete and concrete cement in Latin America was attended by rural producers and politicians from the city of that time.) Traditional Manhumirim families left their message. Luciano Machado & education team of Manhumirim Minas (management 2017 to 2020) "The founder is immortalized through his works" Solange Malosto
Photo: Moments after the event "March 16 day of the city of Manhumirim"
Left: Luciano Machado / Ramon Sanglard Malosto ( coordenador do Projeto Social " Feitos & Efeitos" / Mónica Mendonça & Bernadethe Raposo / equipe do setor de educação
Photo: Moments after the event "March 16 day of the city of Manhumirim"
Left: Luciano Machado / Ramon Sanglard Malosto ( coordenador do Projeto Social " Feitos & Efeitos" / Mónica Mendonça & Bernadethe Raposo / equipe do setor de educação
SR. Maria do Carmo SDN head mistress Saint Therese of Manhumirim
Mayor-elect Luciano left AxeMembers of the Municipal Manhumirim
Monica Marin Bernadette Fox
SR. Maria do Carmo SDN head mistress Saint Therese of Manhumirim
Missionary Father Edmilson Silva sacramentino missionary of Our Lady. Luciano Machado, his wife
The Eucharistic Celebration was presided by the Manhumiriense, effective, dynamic and authentic missionary Father Edmilson Silva sacramentino missionary of Our Lady. Luciano Machado, his wife, Kátia Machado, officials, teachers and followers of the Manhumiriese society were present at the great event.
Video ... "Documentary" Beatification of Father Júlio Maria De Lombaerde "Servant of God" Dr Paolo Vilotta in an interview directly from Rome.
Parishes Served by the Sacramental Missionaries of Our Lady
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